Wednesday, April 20, 2011

a long drawn-out segment of sub-consciousness

I'm so tired; so weary. The journey seems to stretch on for miles and miles and often, I just want to reach the end and call it a day. I often find myself wondering: Is this ALL there is to life? Is this what I’ve been put here on earth for – To just.. Exist? I believe we are all here to fulfil a purpose and until we discern what it is, we will forever be lost.

I used to believe I was a tool for a greater plan from up above. To all you non-believers, you may scoff and call me naive, but haven't you ever questioned if this was all what life had to offer? What if everything here on earth was a test? What if your entire life was just a long drawn-out segment of sub-consciousness that you snap awake from upon meeting the human perception of ‘death’?

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