Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spag top from Supre
Swing Culottes from KISSLOCKE (currently in production, will be in the webstore by May!)
Red Champagne Scarf from KISSLOCKE
Soft Butter Leather Clutch from KNIGHTINGALE
Wedges from KNIGHTINGALE (website still under construction, will go live soon!!)

Went down to Bugis Street the other day cos my friends wanted to shop. Haven't been there for the longest time. This is THE haven for the budget conscious. I saw 8$ dresses that weren't hideous. NoIamNotKidding.

Haiii Alethea~

Candy pop coloured bags!
Whimsical Enamel Rings! Caught sight of this gorgeous poofy lurex dress. Looks great on a hanger but I doubt many girls can pull this design off. Shoes.. *Ahem ugly ones* More rings! Fking cheap, 2$ only. Practically free! There is no way anyone can eat their way through this solid block of sugar. Remember these pick 'n' mix gummies that used to be all over 7-Eleven and Mini Toons stores!? They still have it at bugis! Mad expensive though. Joce bought a small bag for 10$. 10 freakin' dollars for SWEETS. Sweets disguised as rocks! Hello, cute rings! Marc Jacobs enamel ring, random ruby ring from Thailand, Elmo and Union Jack button rings! All in the same colour family. Totally digging blush coloured shit now. Congregation of rings on all our fingers. lolol. Quite a lot. We are compulsive. Caught mid speech. This is my pervy lup sup face! Nomnomnomnomnomnommmm~

So I woke up today at 2.00pm and decided, due to my unmitigated laziness, that I would stay home tonight. And attempt to clear the mountain load of work I seem to ALWAYS have while watching Criminal Minds yet again. I don’t know why I insist on watching episode after episode of Criminal Minds when it freaks me out so badly. Just the other night I was thoroughly convinced that someone was attempting to break into my house.

This is how the story goes.

It was about.. 2am in the morning when I thought I heard a noise downstairs. I opened my room window and stuck my head out as far as it would go to see if there was anybody trying to open my front door downstairs. After almost falling out of my window and to my death, I decided that a much easier way to would be to hide at the top of my staircase and peer at the front door.

And so I did. After sitting in the darkness and peeking at the front door for a good 3 minutes.. I convinced myself that my mind was playing tricks on me.

So I returned to my room and watched Gossip Girl instead. What better way to take your mind off crazy axe murderers than with indulgent frivolous tv programmes?

But juuuuust when Blair and Dan were about to get it on, I heard a creak downstairs. I froze in my seat, with my senses immediately heightened. At that moment, I tried very hard to remember how people usually act in horror movies and made the mental note NOT TO ACT THE SAME WAY / DO THE SAME THINGS.

I.e. in horror movies:

1) When people hear unidentified noises, what do they do? They always walk straight to the source of the noise in the pitch black darkness and proceed to get killed. Intelligent? I don’t think so. Human instinct teaches you to run the fuck away when confronted with a noise, right?!

2) When people hear unidentified noises, they seem to think the crazy axe murder would be inclined to reply to their question of ‘is anybody there?’ with a hearty ‘hey hi! It’s me, the crazy axe murderer! Just so you know, I’m here to kill ya! Happy day!’

Why do they do that?! Human instinct, once again, teaches you to shut the fuck up and freeze so as to not be located by the predator! People in movies are complete morons.

Back to my story. Being the timid scaredy cat that I was, I weighed my options. I could either arm myself with a sharp instrument, switch on all the lights and look for the noise, or I could run to my parents’ or sister’s room and seek refuge there. After all, human company makes everything a little less scary.

The fearful little pussycat in me only needed a split second of consideration before leaping out of my chair and running straight to my parents’ room. I proceeded to sit there, playing games on my mother’s iphone for an entire hour till my mother woke up and assured me that I was ‘crazy’ and to ‘go to sleep’.

Feeling rather miffed at being brushed off, I returned to my room and tried to convince myself that with 3 locks on my main door, it would likely be dawn before any burglar / murder would be able to find his way into my house. Comforted with this idea, I snuggled into my blankets and was almost asleep when I thought I heard another creak downstairs.

There was no stopping me this time.

I grabbed hold of my mattress and with a sudden surge of super strength and adrenaline, singlehandedly hauled it over to my parents’ room within 5 seconds and laid there, quivering in fear while silently chanting the rosary. ‘Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you.. PLEASE PROTECT ME, MOTHER MARY! PLEASE!!!’

I vaguely remember my mother waking up in the middle of the night to use the washroom, and nonchalantly stepping over my semi-sleeping body without batting an eyelid. It really is quite sad when a mother doesn’t question why her 23 year old daughter is sleeping in her room. This must be the result of being accustomed to having a raging lunatic as an offspring.

I awoke the next day to find myself intact and still very much alive.

What a complete waste of energy. Damn these crime scriptwriters.

Friday, April 20, 2012

One of the most annoying things that can possibly happen to a complete vainpot like myself is discovering that I’ve run out of makeup JUST when I’m about to do up my face for a night out. I remember running out of blusher once. I had to pinch and slap my face silly to get some colour in. Trust me, inflicting pain on yourself for the sake of vanity is not fun. At all.

Soooo right, I make it a point to buy my makeup products in bulk.

I know this sounds extreme, but if you happen to be a complete cosmetic whore like myself, bulk purchasing is both convenient and economic because, yanno, price drops when quantity increases.

These are some of the essential cosmetic products I’ve acquired in bulk amounts recently.


Excuse the off-season christmas icons raining across the pictures - I recently discovered these adorable effects in my webcam programme and I can't keep away from them! Heeheeh~

Eyelid fibre from – MUCH BETTER THAN EYELID TAPE. I don’t get why people still use eyelid tape.. It’s disgustingly obvious. I guess some people find eyelid fibre hard to use but that’s no excuse. Waking up in the morning is hard too, but we’ve all learnt to do it, haven’t we?


Mineral Loose Powder from Everyday Minerals. I bought 5 boxes at one go, because I’m kiasu. Lolol. And they gave me free shit for purchasing more than $80 worth of products! WHO DOESN’T LOVE FREE SHIT?

Eyelashes from SgLady. Yanno, back when I was 21 years old, I used to scoff at girls who wore fake eyelashes. I thought they were vain beyond measure. Like, how obsessed with beauty do you have to be to stick spidery hair things on your eyes?! Aren’t they uncomfortable?! And they look ridiculous!

But thennnnn, as I grew older, I got (sadly) vainer. I caved to the pressures of society (in this sense, society constitutes Michelle Phan’s makeup videos. She’s a makeup guru on YouTube with Rice Bunny as her screen name, go google.) (Though if you haven’t heard of her yet, you probably live under a freakin’ rock. You may not even know how to use The Internet.) (Which makes me wonder how you found your way here..)

Going off tangent again.

So, right. I discovered the joy of false eyelashes a few months back and I was sold . I’m not exaggerating when I say they make my eyes look at least 20% bigger than they actually are. Because deceit is all the rage now, isn’t it?

I got these boxes of lashes from – at $2.90 per box. Freakin’ $2.90! As opposed to lashes from Dollywink that go at, what, $16 per pair?! That’s a ridiculously steep price to pay for spindly little lashes. I could eat chicken rice, buy a drink AND watch a movie with $16. And still have cash leftover.

At $2.90 per box, each pair of lashes works out to 29 cents. Which basically isn’t money, so your lashes are technically free. Good job, SgLady. You have gained a loyal patron AND free publicity. One downside is that my lashes got kinda squashed in the mail so.. People, you might wanna opt for registered postage when purchasing instead of being cheap like me.

Recent other cosmetic acquisitions: New smokey shadow palette, mineral bronzer and gel eyeliner! Legitimately cannot survive without these essentials.

Okay, ending off with some shameless camwhore pictures of myself. I recently discovered the joy of cutesey effects on my webcam.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Things Not To Do When Drunk

Silk Embossed Bustier: USA
Mustard Swing Pants: Kisslocke
Jeffery Campbell Inspired Boots: Knightingale (Website still other construction.)
Soft Clutch: Knightingale (Website still other construction.)

Things you should NOT do when drunk:

1) Scream at lusty men that you have a boyfriend and that he’s very rich (and that he would sue them for invasion of personal space)

This is especially applicable when you don’t actually have a rich boyfriend and it’s an empty threat.

2) Sing at the top of your voice (out of tune)

People in clubs are not deaf, they can hear you. And they WILL laugh at you.

3)Command people to do things for you (like holding your bag, propping your drunk ass up and picking you up at the god forsaken time of 6 a.m.)

I feel bad for my friends who constantly have to prop up all 42 kilograms of (almost) dead weight. Said dead weight also happens to be incredibly noisy and downright annoying. Also, demanding your friends to stop whatever they’re doing and drive out to pick you up is.. Not very nice.

4) Smash your friends’ toes by sitting / stepping on them

I’M SORRY, MICHELLE. I hope your toes are feeling better.

5) Insist that you’re not drunk and as a result, get force fed more alcohol (people legit believe I’m never drunk cos I don’t LOOK drunk – I never flush while drinking.)

I don’t know what to do about this. Apply more blusher, perhaps?

Dress from an old Kisslocke collection!

I purposely added sparkles to this shot to undermine his masculinity.

Dinner at Pow Sing and chocolate cheesecake for dessert after church.

My recent discovery of the aesthetically pleasing photo effects in iphone applications has transformed me into a complete camera whore. Sure fire way to make your pictures look instantly 'arty' and 'farty'. I know I'm kinda slow.. These apps have been around for ages, but I've been totally loyal to the blackberry for a long time.

It's the start of a brand new week tomorrow - and I've got a one week sabbatical from school! Time to get my dancing shoes on~

Saturday, April 14, 2012



Mouth very big.

The day we went to catch John Carter at Lido, thanks to complimentary tickets from Fever Avenue. Naise naise. I do love free shit. Thank you, the team behind F.A!
Dress from Kisslocke!
Gorgeous shade of red, right? Mad love it.

Some excerpts of random conversations between my friends and I..

Me: Martin’s Chevrolet is damn tiny lor!
Charmant: At least it’s better than a Suzuki.
Joce: Yes, Suzuki Swift damn ah beng.


Me: Sometimes I feel the need to explain my jokes when people don’t laugh at them within 5 seconds after they are told.
Joce and Charmant: *stony silence*


Charmant: I look like a baby prostitute today.
Michelle: Don’t worry, Beat will definitely be dressed as sluttily as you are.
Me: Guys, I’m wearing a lot of clothes today. I’m even wearing a scarf...
Charmant: Dammit. I was counting on you to out-skank me.


Jackson: You damn mean to (inserts his ex girlfriend’s name here). Don’t be so hard on her la.
Me: No.. YOU were the one who was HARD on her. *giggle*


While listening to the live version (with loud crowd cheering noises in the background) of Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon,

Charmant: You downloaded the live version of the song?
Me: I don’t know, I randomly downloaded one.
Charmant: You can hear the crowd cheering. It’s obviously the live version.
Me: Oh, I thought the crowd cheering was an effect.
Charmant and Marcus: WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU


Me: What is this dubious brown substance on my noodles?
Mom: It’s the what.
Me: Come again?
Mom: It’s the what la.

Mom: DON’T BE RUDE AH! It’s soy sauce.
Me: WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST SAY SOY SAUCE!!!!?????????! -_______________-


Joce: Living in Singapore is terrible cos we’re a communist country.
Joce: But democracy is when people have to share everything equally what right? Singapore is not like that what.
Me: No, what you are describing is communism. Clearly you failed Social Studies back in Secondary School.
Joce (in an attempt to cover up her retardation): YA LA I HATE SOCIAL STUDIES WHAT! *sulks* *flicks hair*


Me: That boy is so cute. I wanna lock him in a giant cage and feed him peanuts every day.
Marcus: ..... There is something really wrong with you.


Edmund: Are you going for AfroJack (some DJ fella that came down to Zouk) event?
Me: I don’t know who that is.
Edmund: You don’t know who AfroJack is!? Bitch, you need to get your life in order.

Can't believe I'm home on a Saturday night. Last night was mad. =( I am a horrible drunk!