Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Alexander Wang Inspired Dress: Kisslocke

What does one do.. When the heart desires what the mind knows it cannot have?

As much as a person may make you smile, may make you laugh, may make you revisit the reasons why you once had faith in love, hope and a future.. Nothing is ever definite. Nothing. After all, change is the only constant.

So I question myself.

I yearn for reasons that will give me a substantial reason as to why I should open my mind and heart to a person or situation I know has the power to potential transform me into a quivering mass of heartbreak and desolation. I yearn for reasons to tell me why I should take this step – or this leap, rather – into the unknown. I liken it to taking a leap of faith off the edge of a cliff. You know there’s the very likely possibility of falling onto the rocks below and smashing your skull open. But on the way down – who knows? You might get caught on a hanging branch, or land in a flower bed (alright, that’s a little far-fetched but just let me get on with my story).

The point I’m trying to establish here is that you’d never know the end result of something if you don’t first try it out.

How powerful it would make us, if we had the ability to see into the future, right?

How powerful it would make us, if we had the gift of mind-reading, which would allow us to fully understand the unspoken thoughts of another being?

Life would then be written in black and white, with no more room for guesswork. Would everything be easier, then? Would we be able to take hold of fate by its reins and dictate the rest of our lives?

I don’t wanna see myself as a cynical person. I don’t want to go down that road of apprehension and fearfulness of the unknown.

But how can I do that? Could someone point me in the right direction or show me the way?

I’m afraid not. I’m not being shameless here.. But based on my ability to think things through logically – much more logically than my peers often do – if there was someone who could show me the way, it would be myself.

Yet, the answer to which eludes me.

There is the saying, ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Perhaps the person who coined that phrase was just a lucky bastard.

Us mere mortals.. Not so lucky now, innit?

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