Sunday, November 27, 2011

this kind of chemistry - it's tangible; palpable.

Peacock Colourbrushed Dress: Kisslocke
Will be launching in december!

Do you know how it feels.. To find that one person you can talk to for hours on end without having to rack your brains for a response? That can connect with you on a whole new level – a level that has only been, thus far, established over years of friendship with the people closest to you – and yet this person, this one person; simply walks right in and the chemistry between the both you is enough to destroy the place?

The best part is that at times, the very person that walks into your life is someone you would never have expected nor appreciated by any stretch of the imagination, usually.

It’s a conundrum, really. Sometimes I think I wanna venture out and try my hand at new things, yet at times I would rather curl up into a ball and stay on the safe side. I don’t know what I want; I don’t know what I need. But I do know that I want more than what I currently have.

I’m so tired of my brain being in overdrive all the fucking time. I’m over analytical – a compulsive thinker, if you must. I don’t speak much of what goes on in my head because words pale in comparison to the magnitude of inane thoughts that bump around in my brain. But my brain needs a fucking vacation.

It’s Sunday tonight. A brand new semester of school is starting tomorrow, and I couldn’t be less excited. I feel the onset of a major sore throat fiesta creeping up on me, thanks to consecutive late night parties, booze overload and singing at the top of my lungs. All I really want to do now is lie on the top of a brick roof, gaze at the sky and.. Be still.

Breathe in the possibilities the night air holds for me - for my future; for my hopes; for my dreams.

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