I'm not the kind of person who needs constant attention. Neither do I need to validate myself by another person's standards. My friends would know that I have never and will never talk about being 'bored' because I believe that our minds are amazing - it's a fucking playground. And I enjoy and relish every moment spent alone where my thoughts are free to wander.
Which is why I hate - I repeat, hate - pointless conversations. Sure, I do enjoy talking about fluff with my best friends because we share the same sense of humour. However, I do not appreciate being used as a time-filling device.
I'm coming to an abrupt end of my post here because I've realized that the things I legitimately desire to say can't be said on such a public platform. I also can't be arsed to put my thoughts into words because these thoughts, in relation to the subject matter, aren't worth the trouble.
I'm sorry. I'm rambling.
Look! A bee!
Hi dear, I really love your blog! Please blog more when you have time. Oh, I would like to see OOTD posts too. Your style is amazing. ;)
Hey love, thanks for the vote of confidence. Really appreciate it! And yes, I'd remember to bring my camera out and snap more pictures for OOTD posts. ^_^
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