Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I've never believed in having to love someone just because the blood that courses through their veins might be the same as yours.

I've always believed that people should give you a reason to love them. Just because you’re born into the same family doesn’t mean you’re automatically given a free pass to behave like a motherfucking lowlife bitch and get away with it.

I am seething with such intense anger right now that I feel like throwing something against the wall. Except that I never approve of pointless sporadic releases of rage.

My sister is the world’s most useless, self-centred and inherently selfish pig of a human being and believe me when I say this: if there was not a law against taking another person’s life, I would not hesitate to march into her room right now and break her neck. Well, after smashing her head into the wall a few times to incite terror before actually squashing the life out of her.

Through these 22 years of my life, we have never gotten along. She has always prided herself as the smart and intelligent offspring and brushed me aside as just a.. Result of spontaneously materialized matter, if you will. We’ve had crazy intense fights over the years but I have never once given up hope that one day, perhaps, we might put all differences aside and get along.

But what I cannot take lying down is how fucking selfish she can be. She sits on her ass all day, never washing the dishes after she eats, never helping to keep the god-damned place clean, leaving the air-conditioning on for 24 hours and not sparing a thought about electricity consumption. I’ve just cleaned the toilet up after the messed it up, big time. I have no idea what the fuck she did in there – perhaps she took a great dump in the middle of the floor – but it was nasty. It smelled like the public restroom in an army camp. I felt like gagging as I washed away the remnants of her sick actions.

I could continue my raging rant about her idiotic actions and my intense desire to stab her repeatedly with a pair of scissors, but I have decided to calm my nerves by going downstairs to eht kitchen and getting something nice and fattening for supper.

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