Sunday, June 12, 2011

Because this is like a movie, and I will end it well.

It's funny how sometimes you think you know a person.. But when you least expect it, fate pulls the wool away from your eyes and shows you a side of him you couldn't possibly imagine existed.

Romantic love – Isn't it great? Understanding another person so completely that you're able to complete each others' sentences, know what’s on each others' minds without the need for words and having rich intense conversations about life, dreams, aspirations and the future. Every second together seems like gold – the highest quality of time you could possibly spend. You bask in his company and enjoy every kiss, every breath, every tingling touch and lingering gaze. You learn the meaning of trust and commitment and you begin to open your heart to him; you begin to heal the wounds of your past; you begin envisioning the future and allow him to fill all the empty spaces you once thought could never be filled.

When Jw entered my life, I was so afraid to let him in. I was so afraid to experience, once again, the intense anguish that the loss of a relationship or partner could bring. Yet he was patient and gentle. He slowly opened my heart and showed me that he wasn't going to inflict any pain on my old wounds; that he wasn't going to treat me any less than what I deserved; that he would be my rock – or anchor – the symbol of stability and reassurance.

I did see him changing over time. I started seeing sides of him I didn't like – Sides of him that were downright ugly. I saw how selfish he could be and it scared me. I was afraid that everything that I invested would crumble down around me. But I refused to go down without a fight. I had huge arguments with him and saw myself in tears time and again, storming out of the house, screaming and hurling vulgarities. A part of me knew – and perhaps wanted – an end to my misery. I did consider walking away multiple times but each time I was on the brink of giving up, I would just recall the tenderness and love he had once given me.. And I would decide that being with him and fighting was better than not being with him at all.

I'm not a sadist, of course. I don't enjoy being hurt. But I believe in having faith in human nature. I refused to give in to the possibility that the man that once treated me with such patience and respect might be lost, forever. Despite all the disagreements that we may have had, I had never once doubted his love or his commitment to me.

Which is why I never saw it coming.

It was a slap in my face. I felt as though I had the wind knocked out of me. To give up on someone in their time of need is probably the most selfish thing one could do. And that's exactly what he did. It makes me question the entire journey we had; was it all just a joke to him? A sham? A well scripted play? Perhaps so. Perhaps I may have made a bad judgement call in trusting him so wholeheartedly.

I never counted on feeling so downright beaten up upon the demise of my relationship. Maybe because I never saw a finish line. What I saw was a long and difficult journey, but I never once entertained the possibility of an abrupt ending. I don't think I would ever love anyone else the way I loved him, and a part of me knows and hopes that I made an impact in his life too. I've since learned how to love passionately, how to enjoy the little moments, how to just walk hand in hand without a care in the world, how to simply enjoy and bask in the essence of a person you love.

He said he knew that he would regret his decision and I know that a part of him grieves the loss of what we once had. This knowledge comes with knowing him even better than he knows himself. But I can never forgive him for what he has done. I can't bring myself to. To quote a friend, 'If a guy is willing to leave you because of your inadequacies, he surely isn’t a keeper.'

To that, I say Amen.

I know that I will never stop loving him and I will never forget what we once had. I know that, perhaps, I will never completely get over him. I know that he will always have his special place in my heart; one that can never be replaced.

But like all great tragic love stories, there must be an end. So I'll walk away with my head held high and my dignity intact.

Because this is like a movie, and I will end it well.


Colby said...

Hey, I've been following you for sometime, reading your blogs etc.

Just wanna tell you, life's never a straight line. It's a matter of how you hurl over the obstacles.

I'm sure you can stand up again. :) Have faith.

That's my real name btw. (You accepted the friend request on fb too.)

Beat said...

Hi Colby. It's really hard to open my mind to any positive advice that comes my way at this point of time, but thanks reaching out to me. Do know that I really appreciate it. (:

Regine said...

I knw it's a hard time for u now and all the comforting advices your frens or family gives you now will not make sense. U feel like no one understands what u're gg thru, but that's not the case. U will feel better on the future. It jus takes time so be patient babe. U can do it!

Beat said...

Thanks, Regine. I'll keep that in mind. <3

Anonymous said...

You are an extremely talented writer. Reading this piece completely blew me away. Thumbs up to you, you have a bright future ahead!