Friday, September 9, 2011

On the bus to school now.. And I just passed by a quaint little playground along the Ang Mo Kio stretch of roads. This particular playground is shaped like an elephant - an elephant brick head in cheerful colours that extends out with a springy body for kids to roll around in.

I recall asking my dad a question with regards to this playground back when I was a tiny little kid, before I even started primary school.

I said 'Daddy! Can you bring me to this playground one day?'

To which he replied, 'of course I will, darling.'

He never did take me to the aforementioned playground, but that's not the point of this story. It just hit me how lucky - actually, blessed would be a better word - I've been since I was a child.

I've always gotten what I wanted since young. I don't mean in the 'MOM! BUY ME THIS NEW TOY NOWWWW!' way that we often see some kids do. No, my parents were not like that. They only gave me the things they thought were good - educational toys, encyclopedias, piano lessons, art classes.. Of course I also got more barbie dolls, toy mansions and lego that I could possibly want too. My parents took it as their duty to make sure that I got the best - and only the best.

It's so easy to take everything for granted, to simply assume that everything we have is a god-given right. How often do we complain and nitpick at every aspect of our lives? How many times have we heard the words 'but it's not fair' escape our lips?

Perhaps what we need to do is take a step back, look at the beauty that has been all around us, and silently give thanks that although we may not be the richest, smartest or prettiest.. We're still pretty darn blessed.

Stop and smell the roses from time to time.

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