Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm sorry if I sound strange.. Currently having a mild sore throat and blocked nose.

Did up a video of my loot from Milly's shopping buffet which I attended over the weekend! The video is pretty self-explanatory.. But I still wanna reiterate that there weren't many good apparel choices left by the time I headed down so if you ever decide to go to one of these in the future, WAKE UP EARLIER AND GO QUEUE UP! Pro singporean! *pumps fist*

Oh oh! The spastic rabbit headband from the previous post below was from the shopping buffet too.

Ahhh. School tomorrow. And it's Sidney Samson over at Zouk. Still contemplating whether to head down or play monopoly deal void deck style with muh homies. Haha. My life is so eventful.. Not.


char said...

you sound real cute, beat! you're so skinny and pretty. looking forward to more vlogs!

Beat said...

haha thanks! i sound retarded in videos lah.