Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dress from Kitsch-Kitsch

View from the 65th floor of 1-Altitude. Magical, isn't it?

Lately I’ve been mildly obsessed with the prospect of acquiring an ipad for myself. I don’t know what sparked that sudden interest – I guess it’s largely due to my discovery of penny-auction sites that display ipads being sold daily for as low as $50. I KNOW RIGHT!? The hell..

HOWEVERRRRRR, the amount an individual spends on each penny-auction bid can be quite terrifying when you access the final figure. This is a major money-making venture for retail companies.. A gold mine, really. Ahhh. But I digress. Back to my ipad obsession. I WANT ONE. BADLY. So badly that this has surpassed all reasons of logic and transcended into a NEED. I’ve successfully convinced myself that I need one for school and to run both Kisslocke and KitschKitsch efficiently. That is, of course, a blatant lie.. Seeing how a blackberry gives me all the access I need. But I’ve been a great person all year round. I DESERVE SOMETHING NEW AND FABULOUS! I need this new electronic gadget to get my techno geek on! Someone buy it for me pleaseeee?

Also, I’ve been craving frozen yoghurt for the past week but sheer laziness has been rendering my desires unfulfilled. It’s bad – I get drawn in by mere pictures of swirly yoghurt online and the next thing I know? BAM. Complete drool-worthy cravings.

I mean, LOOK AT THAT. How irresistible is that?

It not only tastes good, it looks fluffy and.. Err.. Soft.

And now I feel like having some chocolate coated donuts.

This is bad. My brain’s a mess. Maybe I should get some sleep..


Adeline said...

Go get your ipad! The 3g one of course! I think you have to pay abt $40 odd per month? But it's worth it to buy. :)

Beat said...

How much does it retail for after the monthly payment? I just think it's overpriced and I'm terribly unwilling to part with my money.. :(