At long last, the entire Harry Potter chronicles has come to its end. I don't know if I'm happy or sad – I was twittering with excitement for the last film to be released, yet its release fully represents, once and for all, an end to the most brilliant and inspired fantasy series ever written. Ever. In my humble opinion, of course.
Anyhow, on to the movie.
I think the cinematography and entire mood of the film was pretty well done. Clearly, a great deal of thought and construction went into creating each scene and composing each shot. Animation and effects were splendid, allowing the viewer to fully transcend into a fantasy world. I was completely enveloped in the arms of magical stimulation and animatronics.. It was rather amazing.
That being said, having read the book about 5 times from cover to cover, I will have to say that the film did not fully convey the emotion, passion and fire the characters actually experienced in the story. The film also failed to fully capture the growth and development of some characters.

Take Neville Longbottom, for example. The film did no justice to him at all. In the last few scenes where Neville stepped forth to make a speech in front of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, Voldemort jeered and laughed at him, putting him down and selling him short. However in the book, Voldemort was impressed with Neville’s bravery and valued him as a worthy candidate to join the Death Eater ranks. The book successfully chronicled Neville’s development from a silly and forgetful young boy, to a man fuelled with bravery, principles and values.

Also, I was SUPER DISAPPOINTED with the scene where Bellatrix Lestrange finally gets killed by Molly Weasley. In the book, the entire fight was described in vivid details and Bellatrix was given a memorable and worthy death. I know Bellatrix is one of the evil characters in the story, but you cannot deny that she makes a helluva interesting injection. Her whimsy, her devotion to Voldemort and her ruthless cruelty can be pretty.. Impressive. I think JK Rowling couldn't have created a better lieutenant than Bellatrix – Dangerous, dark and slightly insane.
Bellatrix was killed off far too easily in the film and Voldemort didn't even react to it. Totally not giving Bellatrix the final farewell she deserves. Also, the film did not milk the scene where Molly Weasley yells ‘NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!’ fully. Bellatrix was supposed to be duelling with Ginny Weasley initially, when Molly Weasley cuts in to protect her child. I expected that scene to be much more passionate and moving than it was portrayed in the film. Helena Bonham Carter is a magnificent actress though, I wish she had been given more screen time.
I could go on and on.. But let's cut the story short.

The final battle scene could be improved upon too – Voldemort and Harry did not, at any point in the real story, wrestle with each other and fall off the castle walls. Neither do they fall flat on their faces and crawl towards their wands. Voldemort can
fly, he would never have had to slither along the ground like a grovelling beggar. Ralph Fiennes (the actor who played Voldemort) could have done a better job at being more intimidating.

On the flipside, I was quite happy with the film's portrayal of the Malfoy family's escape. It managed to capture Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy's intense love and concern for their only son – Love that fuels them to leave Voldemort and everything else just to be together as a family. Awww.. So sweet.
In conclusion, I know that the film did not do complete justice to the book, but I understand that it's impossible to fully convey every plot, scene, emotion and development from a book as thick as the bible into a 2 hour movie. Perhaps if they had written a television series instead, the plot would have been more legitimate.
Oh! Before I wrap up this post, I have to say that throughout all 8 Harry Potter movies, the one actor I truly respect and am in absolute awe of is Alan Rickman, the actor who plays Severus Snape.

The way he portrays Snape's dark and sinister side, intimidating aura, precise skill and expertise, bravery, loyalty and many levels of character and personality is truly amazing. He manages to become one with the character, committing all the way and delivering an outstandingly winning performance. <3 I love him.