Throughout the course of the past few nights, I’ve realized just how.. Fortunate I am, to be in this place; this point in my life.
I see people heading out, night after night. Getting sloshed, getting their game on with members of the other sex, dancing, partying and living the hedonistic lifestyle.
I won’t deny that I do enjoy the occasional drinking session or night out, but after distancing myself from that lifestyle, it has lead me to think: what are these people trying to achieve?
I was once one of them. I used to party three times a week, getting pissed drunk out of my mind and having uncensored fun. I used it to fill the hole in my life; to feel more alive.
Now I reminisce about the past and how it might have made me a better person or contributed to my life and all I can draw is.. A blank.
Are we not all just searching for something to excite our lives? Something that’s a break from the otherwise monotonous cycle? Something that might help define us? Something that might fill the gaping hole when we lay down at night, alone?
I’ve never been more thankful for having met Jiewei. Yes, I’ve finally said his name. He’s the most amazing thing that has happened to me thus far. I can safely say that I’ve never felt this way before; it’s more than passion, desire or infatuation.
Through these seven months, I’ve learned the meaning of selfless love, the meaning of commitment, the meaning of trust, hope, faith, devotion, acceptance and most importantly: to love myself.
I don’t need to yearn for excitement; I don’t need to crave attention nor covet the temptations and materialistic desires of the physical world anymore. I’d admit that at times, the memory of the thrill of the chase and the drunken nights of partying still induce a frail desire in me.. But I stop and realize; I’ve found what I want. And I need no more.
Because what will make us humans, if we lose the ability to love?
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