So I know I’ve been completely elusive lately. It’s been a CRAZY busy month – Just finished a fashion runway show for Kisslocke x Knightingale at Attica (will blog about this once I receive pictures from the event!), the setting up of my new footwear x bags webstore (details will be released when the website goes live), school assignments, xmas shopping and festive preparations and well, time has to be set aside for merrymaking, right?
Of course with the end of the school year and after submission of assignments, I just HAD to engage in some hardcore fun and frivolity. After all, there isn’t a better time to get down and get completely tanked than the festive season.

Hello Bunny.

Christmas this year was just fine – received a bunch of pretty fabulous presents with pretty amazing company as usual. I got quite a lot of underwear gifts this year – what is up with that? I’ve only got ONE ass! And my secret santas, Bong and Lucas, both surprisingly gave me pretty rad gifts and totally killed my preconceived notion that boys are tragic present givers.
I can’t begin to explain how much I adore the festive season. The twinkly Christmas lights, nostalgic Christmas songs, the spirit of giving.. It’s magical. And it should be spent with the closest friends and family, which I did. The downside is that I’m completely avoiding stepping on the weighing scale now thanks to constantly stuffing my face with turkey, pasta, devil’s curry, ox tail soup, ham, potato salad and slabs of cake all week. Tis’ NOT the season to get my fat on.

So Joce, Brenda and I made a last minute hasty decision to hit 1-alt up last night. If you guys have never been there, you need to get your ass down, pronto! The service there is amazing. It’s an open air alfresco joint on the 65th level at Raffles Place and you can look across the entire city and its twinkling lights. The breeze is cool and comfortable, the music is phenomenal and when you look up into the night sky, you’d feel like you can almost touch the clouds thanks to the sheer height of the building.
When we reached the bar, a service staff promptly pulled two chairs out for us and wiped it down with serviettes (the chairs were wet due to the rain earlier in the day). How many bars / clubs in Singapore actually have this level of service?! You tell me.
Halfway through the night, a waiter came to us and told us to order anything we wanted, on the house. I was pleasantly surprised! I’ve been there only, what, 4 times? But apparently the manager recognized me (and Joce) and sent us complimentary drinks as a thank you gesture for our support. Chalk one up for effort! I’m not getting paid to say this at all, but I believe in giving credit where credit is due. So if you’re looking for a romantic place for a midnight date or an elegant function with colleagues and friends, go to 1-Altitude! You can google the address.
Went on down to Zouk after getting sloshed and boy, that place was packed. On a Wednesday. I blame the holidays.
Right now I really should be cleaning my room. The mess has reached a whole new level and I can’t seem to find ANYTHING. I’ve been wearing the same top 2 days in a row cos I can’t locate anything in this hell hole.