Thursday, March 5, 2015
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Why do we understand so little of life's inexhaustible mysteries?
I have said this before, and I will say it again. I believe in sanctity of life, the covenant of marriage, the chivalry of men and the chastity of women. I believe in purity, steadfastness and honour above all. But what makes me lose hope in mankind every. single. day. is the absence of anyone else who leads a life governed by the same principles as I. I'm not saying I'm a faultless angel, and neither am I putting myself on a pedestal. No, I'm terribly flawed. Shamefully so. I'm just.. Disillusioned that nobody strives to better, to overcome their impulses. Nobody thinks twice about throwing a colleague under the bus. Nobody thinks twice about nicking a pencil from Ikea. Nobody stops to put aside his or her ego for the benefit of others. Did Jesus not turn the other cheek? Did he not teach us to do that very same thing? For non-believers, does an-eye-for-an-eye as a concept make operational sense to you? No. It doesn't.
How about purity, then? How many youths are all too ready for unbridled fornication? Is intimacy no longer something sacred, to be shared in union between two people - and only, two people?
Then we come to greed. Oh, greed. Thou art a heartless bitch. This is the one sin I've been struggling with for the longest time. Greed has caused me to perform many an unrighteous deed. Greed has caused me to covet, envy, and doubt. I've always wanted more from life. I've wanted riches, luxury and success in the worldly sense. I've always wanted power. To yield influence backed by an 8 digit bank statement gets me giddy. It's a drug - an alluring, intoxicating drug. Just working towards that goal releases spurts of adrenaline in me.. I feel tingly all over at the anticipation of success. Success. Ahh, the sweet taste of success.
But to what end? To what end? It is true when they say.. The best things in life cannot be bought with money. When I lie on my 1000 thread count sheets as an old woman with no loved ones by my side, no legacy and no purpose in my life, what would I have accomplished?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Which is why I can't go back down that path. I've taken an oath.. To always follow the words of my Father, to the best of my ability. Both my Fathers. The Almighty God in heaven, and my own dad.. Who is the single most compassionate, righteous, and unwaveringly steadfast man I have ever known. And I strive every day to remind myself of where I came from, what this life represents, and how I may live with passion, purpose, and compassion for all peoples.
I work hard to rid myself of my elitist mentality every day. I have to set reminders on my phone, cos reading the words in block letters 'ALL MEN ARE MADE EQUAL REGARDLESS OF SKIN COLOUR, NATIONALITY AND CIRCUMSTANCE.' drives home the point better.
But despite it all, I try to be somebody good. I try to be of value, to be worthy to exist in this universe. But others do not share this belief. They're content.. to lead pointless, hedonistic lives. Why, though? That's what I can't understand. Why do people not strive, daily, to be better versions of themselves? Why are people content with so many worldly possessions, while understanding so little of life's inexhaustible mysteries? Why do people not respect the sanctity of life?
Am I all alone in this fight?
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Terrible Taxi Drivers in Singapore
Monday, January 20, 2014
Invincibly invisible, yet divisible.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
So, CHRISTMAS! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. With nostalgic Christmas tunes playing softly in the background of the malls, the colourful tinsel and baubles draped all around the polished interior of buildings, and the festive menus proudly displayed at the entrance of restaurants... It's almost magical. I've always wanted to spend a Christmas over in the US or UK simply because it's celebrated in a much larger scale over there. I have yet to see a real-life (well, as real-life as it gets) Santa Claus giving out presents at a shopping mall, or obsessively decorated homes with hedges trimmed into reindeer-shaped works of art, or snow gently resting along rooftops and window panes. Yup.. Clearly I've been watching too many Winter Wonderland movies but one can hardly blame me.. After all, it's Christmas. Sigh. I remember hanging stockings by my window back when I was a kid. Of course this isn't a widely practised tradition in Singapore, but thanks to reading an overwhelming amount of children's storybooks with vivid descriptions of Christmas in far flung countries while I was a tot, my little mind convinced myself that Christmas here on our little Sunny island COULD be as wonderful.. If only I believed! So I believed. I hung my Christmas stockings, ate Chocolate Pudding and Turkey and watched the sky on Christmas day for snow to start falling. I recall there was a particular year in which I convinced myself that the clouds really were snow.. Just that they were somehow stuck together and needed some rain to dislodge them from the sky. Yup... Imaginative indeed. Went for Christmas Eve mass this year as usual - with the best present from the Universe yet: THE FLU. Headed to Michelle's house to celebrate after mass with the gang as usual, and had the BEST Secret Santa gift exchange ever! I know Christmas isn't about the presents but.. I SECRETLY REALLY LOVE IT! Christmas day itself was spent in a helicopter as I had a gourmet lunch with the man of my dreams, Ryan Gosling. We flew over the city and hugged the clouds, Aladdin and Jasmine style, whilst singing Carols with the vocal ability of Celine Dion..... Not. In actuality, I spent my Christmas day under the covers at home, nursing my cold. Guess who took Rudolf's place as the red nosed reindeer this Christmas? :(
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Apathy and Lack-Of-Discipline
Friday, December 27, 2013
Not dead yet - just different.
So, well.. I sold my e-commerce business, which explains the huge influx of reminiscing photos below.
Our very first fashion runway show at Attica
Appearing on Fashion Fray TV
Sponsorship Event at Zouk
I can't really put my finger on what exactly was the final deciding factor that propagated me toward this decision, but I believe it was the correct choice. Not because any interest or passion for the fashion industry or the digital retail sector had been lost on my part; rather, I felt I was encumbered by too much responsibility weighing on my shoulders. Often I would look toward peers holding full time jobs with nary a care in the world, without having to worry about profit and loss and having their finances tied up in a business, and I would inadvertently feel a twinge of envy. Don't get me wrong, though - I am an entrepreneur at heart, and I will always be. I am unafraid of hard work and I believe in the possibility of success. The problem lies in my lack of maturity, I believe. When I started my business, I lacked the maturity to really take it to places and bring it home due largely to my lack of focus and motivation. I squandered my time partying, having fun and leading a self-gratifying lifestyle, while never putting work first. As two young teenagers, Brenda and I also lacked the financial capability to pump the resources needed into our growing business. We weren't even sure how to handle investors and turned them away, which is on hindsight the stupidest move we have ever made. But live and learn, man, live and learn. I routinely kick myself when I think back upon the opportunities that I have passed up, but these experiences have all taught me so much. Life is a constant learning process, and even now, as I sit at my desk at my brand new offfice in a company to which I am but another PMEB, whilst I wait for the rain to stop pouring so I can leave the office and go home, I am learning. I am growing. And one day, one day.. I will accomplish what I had set out to do years ago. I will find success.